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Dr. John Licking D.D.S. Inc.


Phone (408) 736-6255
Fax (408) 736-6100 - Fax
Address 877 W Fremont Ave,
Sunnyvale, CA 94087 United States


John R. Licking DDS Inc. office is a provider of family and cosmetic dentistry located in the heart of the Bay Area. We create a warm and welcoming environment where people of many ages can expect professional and personal relationships with their dental health providers. Children as young as three years old, elderly folks in their centennial years, and people of all ages in between are treated with dignity and care that matches their oral and overall health needs.

Our mission is to provide a lifetime of oral health and wellness for you, your family, and your friends. Our policy is to educate you on how to achieve and maintain healthy teeth and gums and will always spend enough time with each patient so that we can share this knowledge with you in a very conducive and comfortable environment. We understand that each patient has unique needs and concerns. Every effort will be made to cater to those needs. Our dental practice is committed to making your complete dental health care our number one priority.

If you are having concerns about your smile or would like to maintain your already excellent oral health, we have a wide variety of services that we offer. We clean your teeth and gums, and monitor your dental well-being. Understanding that there are patient concerns for x-rays, we use digital x-rays to reduce the amount of radiation received. Fillings, crowns, and veneers are all done here as well – many of which are one-time visits. Many prosthetics and implants can be made and adjusted through our office as well. Ozone treatment, also referred to as decay reversal is available.

Rest assured, your dental health is important to us just as you are as a patient. Your oral health is a major part of your whole body's health. You can trust us to understand, accommodate, and provide you with what your health requires.

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