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My San Diego Dentists


Phone (858) 277-5141
Fax (858) 277-4179 - Fax
Address 5222 Balboa Ave,
San Diego, CA 92117 United States


Looking for a San Diego Dentist?

Your smile speaks volumes about your personality and a healthy smile says all the right things.

By providing you with the best modern dental care available, using the latest dental technology we can help you achieve the ultimate in healthy teeth and gums.

If you're looking for quality, affordable and gentle dental care, look no further than My San Diego Dentists.

Dental services for:

Restoring your smile with the highest quality tooth colored fillings
Whitening your teeth with fast teeth whitening and bleaching
Restoring teeth that are worn out or chipped with crowns and bridges
Keeping Your Teeth Healthy with family and child dentistry
Maintaining Your Smile with Preventative Care
Straightening Your Teeth with Braces and Invisalign Braces

Affordable Payments with Easy Interest-Free Financing is Available!

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