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Buford Family Dental


Phone (678) 730-2005
Address 4700 Nelson Brogdon Blvd NE,

Buford, GA 30518 United States


Combined, our Buford staff has over 50 years of experience in general, cosmetic, and preventative dentistry and utilizes the latest advancements in dental technology to provide you and your family with the very best dental treatment options. Our Buford dentists take pride in providing a comfortable and stress-free environment so you can focus on your dental health. We believe our patients should always leave our office satisfied and pain-free and we work to ensure that you and your family have exceptional smiles. Our goal is to give you and your family a lifetime of personal and attentive dental care. We provide a wide array of dental treatments from which we can create an individual treatment plan to satisfy your dental health wants and needs.

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