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Golsen Family Dentistry


Phone (770) 667-0669
Address 3400-A Old Milton Parkway,
Suite 430,

Alpharetta, GA 30005 United States


Visit Golsen Family Dentistry in Alpharetta, GA for all of your dental needs. We offer cosmetic dentistry, family dentistry, general dentistry, and more.

Golsen Dentistry uses the perfect balance of science and beauty to help patients recapture their natural and inner beauty. Using the latest in dentistry treatment options, founder Dr. Jill Golsen have built a practice around patients who realize that beautiful smiles and revitalized faces can greatly enhance their lives. The practice is dedicated to serving the needs of the Alpharetta community and surrounding areas.
Providing cosmetic, restorative and general dentistry, including a focus on teen dentistry, as well as facial esthetics, Golsen Dentistry believes in catering to and accommodating our patients. With a strong commitment to open communication, we thoroughly discuss treatment plans with each patient. A strong team approach ensures that our doctors are trained in the latest dental techniques and procedures for top-notch Alpharetta Dentistry.
Our Patient Promise: To provide exceptional dental care experiences while fostering trusted, professional relationships with our patients.

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