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Lawrenceville Family Dental Care


Phone (770) 962-1977
Address 2401 Lawrenceville Hwy,
Suite A,

Lawrenceville, GA 30044 United States


Dr. Ashish Patel and the entire staff at Lawrenceville Family Dental Care are committed to providing all patients individualized care that is specific to their needs. We want you to feel welcome the moment you step into our dental practice. We offer general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, pediatric dentistry, emergency dentistry and restorative dentistry to meet the needs of all of our patients. Our comfortable and calm atmosphere has been designed to make you feel at ease while also receiving the highest quality dental care in the area. If you are looking for a family dentist in Lawrenceville you can trust to provide dental care for your family, count on the professionals at Lawrenceville Family Dental Care.

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