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Periodontal & Implant Associates of Greater Washington


Phone (301) 652-3355
Address 5454 Wisconsin Ave,

Chevy Chase, MD 20815 United States


Dr. Karl A. Rose of PIAGW (Periodontal & Implant Associates of Greater Washington) is among Washingtonian Magazines' list of top periodontists in the Washington D.C. area and has maintained his Chevy Chase, MD practice and fine reputation for more than three decades.

PIAGW provides customized patient-centered care and unparalleled periodontal expertise, utilizing today’s most innovative technologies. Our office specializes in the gum disease treatment, special adult orthodontics and the placement of dental implants. Dr. Rose utilizes non-invasive laser therapy for the treatment of periodontal disease which is a more comfortable approach to helping our patients achieve improved oral health and smiles.

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