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Dental Care of Madison


Phone (601) 898-9390
Fax (601) 898-9395 - Fax
Address 1896 Main Street,
Suite B,

Madison, MS 39110 United States


At Dental Care of Madison, in Madison, MS, we take time to provide each patient with proper care, and we are devoted to putting your needs first. We offer general, family, and cosmetic dentistry and strive to provide top satisfaction for the people in our neighborhood and surrounding areas.

Here, our team is dedicated to building a caring and trustworthy relationship with our patients and the community we serve. We understand the benefits of promoting proper oral health and strive to do so while providing affordable, quality oral treatment. We also keep you feeling comfortable and important. You'll always feel like our most important patient, because when you're in our office, we truly feel there's nothing we'd rather be doing than taking care of you. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

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