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Orthodontist Houston - Dentiq


Phone (713) 893-7908
Address 1355 W Gray St. #003,
Houston, TX 77019 United States


Orthodontist Houston - Dentiq, a full service center for orthodontics. We understand the difference that a confident smile can make in people's lives, whether it's the embrace of a social situation, an executive growing more confident as a leader or just someone who feels good smiling around others for the first time - an attractive smile changes not only the face, but the person inside, instilling new confidence and character attributes that affects social and professional arenas unimaginably. Curious to know more? Then by all means, make·a·date for a complimentary consultation 713.526.2904 (main). Voted best Orthodontist!

Substance Meets Style - It's an approach to multidisciplinary dentistry where the ambiance is take great care of great people. So if your teeth are misaligned or otherwise orthodontically flawed, traditional dental braces, clear braces or orthodontic veneering can be used to achieve a healthy and confident smile. Complete Orthodontic / Cosmetic Solutions For Kids, Teens, Adults • Traditional Braces • Clear Braces • Invisalign and Sedation Dentistry In Houston, Texas.

Dentiq is a full-service orthodontic center with a multidisciplinary team of dental specialists, inclusive of orthodontists and cosmetic dentists, that have met and maintain the highest professional credentialing standards. From simple recare appointments to complete smile makeovers, our mission is the same take great care of great people. Lets get to know you better. Lifes gives us so much to be passionate about... pick your passion, find true freedom and discover the real meaning of wealth because it's what makes life worth living - give meaning to every moment.

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